In addition to the complications within For example, if you start to see your departments, the number of departments expansion revenue decline, it could be that now have a significant stake in the because of a product issue, a messaging customer experience has also increased. and positioning issue, an issue with the Product, Marketing, Sales, Customer teams, audience you are attracting, an issue with and their supporting staff of RevOps and how you are selling, or an issue with how Enablement all have the ability to change a you are supporting the customer once they customer's perception of you. sign; even a combination of several of these challenges. People will renew or not renew a product because of product issues, because they The final layer of complexity exists in the felt they were sold something incorrectly, extensive number of tools and solutions because it was difficult for them to available in the Go-to-Market space to implement, or because the support staff "help" you pinpoint and resolve challenges. did not meet expectations. With so many products available, it can be overwhelming for a leader to decide which This further complicates the issue of tools they should invest their budget and pinpointing the reason behind a business time into integrating into their teams and challenge you may be experiencing. processes. In short, we know from our research that it is harder than ever before to manage, measure, and correct issues in your Go-to-Market. © 2022 Go To Market Partners, LLC. All rights reserved.

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