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USE CASE WHEN TO PRIORITIZE TECH FOR YOUR GTM MOTION Hybrid event management Hybrid events allow for larger audiences than an in person event can support, but also come with a host of challenges. If you have the opportunity to increase your pipeline, but phsyical location of events is a barrier, hybrid events can help you meet your demand goals. Virtual meeting experiences Whether looking to book more meetings or drive engagement with prospects or customers, virtual events allow you to connect with your audience in a customized environment. This creates moments of curiosity and focus that you cannot achieve with traditional webinar solutions. Event-led Go-to-Market strategy If you're looking to get more from events then top of funnel lead gen and ready to turn them into meeting makers and revenue accelerators, digital event tech connects marketing, sales, and customer teams with your audience to drive business outcomes • • • • • In reviewing feedback from hundreds of users, we have determined that Airmeet's primary value propositions are widely experienced by their customers. Books more high quality meetings for sales teams Feature-rich and innovative while remaining intuitive and easy to use Alerts and connects Go-to-Market teams with attendees in-event Tracks engagement and revenue impact of events Fosters engagement through CTA's and networking experiences Customer Use Cases & Value Definition Top Use Cases Cited by Airmeet Customers Customers tell us that Airmeet: A Go-to-Market Perspective: Airmeet | June 2023 • Provides high-quality video, hybrid, and brand experiences • Makes it easy to host large audiences of 10,000+ attendees 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 V i r t u a l E v e n t s W e b i n a r s N e t w o r k & M a t c h m a k i n g E v e n t R e g i s t r a t i o n E v e n t M a n a g e m e n t M o b i l e A p p E x p e r i e n c e s E v e n t M a r k e t i n g

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