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Getting to Efficient Growth at Scale



Getting to Efficient Growth at Scale Bryan Brown Chief Analyst

© 2022 Go To Market Partners, LLC. All rights reserved. Create but can't Market Market but can't Sell Sell but can't Deliver Deliver but can't Renew Renew but can't Expand The 5 Valleys of Death “Less than 1% of SaaS businesses hit $50M in revenue as a result of lack of go-to-market maturity” - Mckinsey

@sangramvajre @sangramvajre Customer Retention Net Revenue Retention CAC LTV Reps Customers Revenue 65% 70% $10K $25K X 3,855 ~$15M 82% 100% $11K $52K 10x 143K $1.3B Before After They simplified their go-to-market! Went from inbound only to hundreds of outbound sellers. Serving a single persona “Marketing” with the same product. 2022 Results → $1.7B, 6000 Employees, 140K Customers, Growing 30% YoY

Getting to Efficient Growth at Scale - Page 4

06 You don’t have a marketing problem. You don’t have a sales problem. You don’t have a CS problem. You don’t have a product problem. ...You have a go-to-market problem.

© 2022 Go To Market Partners, LLC. All rights reserved. 15 Reasons Why GTM is Broken Hubspot’s GTM problems at $15m Create but can't Market Market but can't Sell Sell but can't Deliver Deliver but can't Renew Renew but can't Expand The 5 Valleys of Death

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