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How Extreme Network Uses PathFactory

Ted Talk - Tech Talk

© 2022 Go To Market Partners, LLC. All rights reserved. Use-Case Driven GTM Ted Talk -Tech Talk How Extreme Network uses PathFactory on behalf of Paul Green, Director of Marketing Technologies Kendra Cloutier, Senior Campaign Architect #GTMmadesimple

GTM Motions Product Led Growth YES /NO Inbound Led YES /NO Outbound Led YES /NO Ecosystem Led YES / NO Channel Led YES /NO Event Led YES /NO Community Led YES/NO What is your GTM Motion? #GTMmadesimple


GTM Challenges What were your GTM Challenges? #GTMmadesimple

GTM Goals Increase Top of Funnel Engagement Provide dynamic experiences to promote awareness and speed funnel velocity. Net New Logo Acquisition Focus on converting leads from known to unknown to continue nurturing toward purchase. Nurture anonymous buyers based on account/industry info - ensure relevant journeys. Regularly Report on Campaign Success Schedule reports for key campaigns and review data to ensure continued optimization. #GTMmadesimple

GTM Use Cases #GTMmadesimple

GTM ROI Results in FY23 • 2x Known Visitors • 3x Unknown Visitors • 3,432 Accounts Engaged • 448 Accounts w/ 2+ Visitors • 32 Accounts w/ 2+ Visitors & 2+ Views • 644 Hours of Engagement • 1 Consistent Campaign Framework & Journey Ownership Strategy Journey 1 2 3 #GTMmadesimple

Analytics Visualizer Data Consolidation Solutions Revenue Operations Education Employee Engagement Coaching Performance Management Intent Market   Data Business Intelligence Consumer Behavior Product Activity Website Budget Channel Activation Tracking Automation Sentiment Tracking Content Solutions Buyer Experience Forecasting Conversational Intelligence CRM CDP Automation Enablement Leadership & Management Total Relevant Market Market Investment Map Brand & Demand Pipeline Velocity Customer Time-to-Value Customer Expansion PRM Enablement Billing Rep Productivity Customer Tracking Product Activity Customer Experience Customer Education Buyer Experience Deal Management Intent GO-TO-MARKET CATEGORIES GTM Categories For your reference only. Not an exhaustive list #GTMmadesimple