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How Reveal Uses Airmeet

Ted Talk - Tech Talk

© 2022 Go To Market Partners, LLC. All rights reserved. Use-Case Driven GTM Ted Talk -Tech Talk How Reveal uses Airmeet on behalf of Jason Yarborough Head of Strategic Partner Accounts #GTMmadesimple

Jason Yarborough Head of Strategic Partner Accounts About Company

GTM Motions Product Led Growth YES Inbound Led YES Outbound Led YES Ecosystem Led YES Channel Led YES Event Led YES Community Led YES NEARBOUND

GTM Use Cases Wait, WTF is NEARBOUND? It’s the answer to the ‘Who’ economy... ● The digital world has changed ● Buyers are no longer asking “How”, too much information ● They are asking “Who” and turning to those they trust ● Companies MUST partner with those buyers trust for Intel , Intros , and Influence We call that Nearbound, and it is layered on to every GTM motion.

GTM ROI Event-Led Nearbound using Airmeet With Airmeet, we’re using events to bolster our Nearbound plays in two primary ways: 1. Partnering with those our buyers trust 1. Using event intent data into our sales process


GTM ROI Next level... For our big Summit in November a. Registration intent questions shared with sponsors in real-time b. Customized Reg confirmation page with video from most relevant sponsor based on answers to reg questions c. Event engagement and intent data plugged in to sequences and offers from us and partners Event-Led Nearbound using Airmeet +

GTM ROI Bottom line: the future of GTM is Nearbound. That future requires surfaces for conversations between buyers and those they trust. Events are one of the key surfaces in your toolkit! Event-Led Nearbound using Airmeet +

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How Reveal Uses Airmeet - Page 10