Advanced companies are thinking about ROI on multiple levels . The example above was taken from a middleware solution company tha t leverages SDKs , CLI , and code templates to reduce time spent building email and calendar functionality into software . This company has four distinct personas , and each cares about different ROI . Assuming that investment can only exist within the context of dollars - and - cents fails to recognize that while CFOs are primarily concerned with spending , end users and managers may have different opinions on what " investment " means . Financial ROI shouldn ' t be ignored , but one - size - fits - all - ROI definitions geared only to the financially - minded members of the buyer committee may hurt sales cycles just as much as not having tha t information at all . Take the time to map out your own personas and what kind of ROI might speak to each one . Sellers need to know how to win over the cha mpion and influencers . Sellers also have to arm their champion with the ROI that resonates with the economic buyer so the y can get approval from the budget holder . Matching ROI to Persona Source : GTM Partners ' ROI Framework © GTM Partners , All Rights Reserved gtmpartners . com Engineering / Product / Support / Dev Ops Engineering Manager / Product Manager CTO / CPO / Head of Engineering CEO CFO Prove it will reduce work / not add work ; Prove change management is simple / possible Prove it will make me better , make my job easier , add to my skill set Prove it will help me meet my objectives on time ( faster ) and / or budget ( cheaper ) Prove it will make money , save money , and / or that this decision is worth my time and energy Economic Buyer Champion Influencers / Stakeholders © 2023 Go To Market Partners , LLC . All rights reserved . Page 7

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