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© 2023 Go To Market Partners , LLC . All rights reserved . Page 6 Necessity Efficiency How Slack Succeeded by Evolving Their ROI Story Win / Retention Rate Winning Zone ( Offense ) Competition Zone ( Defense ) ( Preservation ) Instability Zone Attributable Transformational Indirect ROI is not necessarily static or stable . When Slack first entered the market , it was a transformational tool and completely changed the way people communicated at work and in groups . Over time , as the market proliferated with othe r tools , Slack started to emphasize an Efficiency ROI story and leaned into the fact that using Slack saved employees time tha t would otherwise be spent on email or in meetings . Slack currently has a very strong Necessity ROI story ( the ir customers would struggle to live without them at this point , and they have a wide ecosystem of integrations ) , but the risk is that other solution providers can force them to compete on pricing , features , and functions . The Muddy Middle Intrinsic ROI Extrinsic ROI Source : GTM Partners ' ROI Framework © GTM Partners , All Rights Reserved gtmpartners . com

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