© 2023 Go To Market Partners , LLC . All rights reserved . Page 2 When the economy is tight , there is naturally increased pressure on shrinking budgets . Your customers may be experiencing layoffs , budget cuts , and increased scrutiny on what is and isn ' t considered essential tech . As a result , technology vendors are experiencing slowed or stalled pipelines . Traditional d ecision makers have lost buying authority as CFOs and CEOs get more involved and prioritize spending that can clearly show returns in revenue or savings . Win rates are lower . Retention is down . Expansion is a struggle . Why ROI Matters More Than Ever 60% o f c o m p a n i e s s t r u g g l e t o a r t i c u l a t e a n d p r o v e R O I *Source: Go to Market Partners poll Failure to credibly demonstrate Return on Investment ( ROI ) is the number one reason your pipeline isn ’ t closing , your customers aren ’ t renewing , and you ' re having trouble upselling your best accounts . If you can pull just one growth lever today to impact revenue over the next 12 months , it would be ROI . It ' s tough out there . The good news is , you ' re not alone . According to our research , 60 % of companies struggle to show ROI . Business leaders are stuck with outdated , limited , and confining definitions of ROI that may not fit the ir business model . And without ROI , your decks , demos , and dinners are no longer enough to convince CFOs and CEOs to pull the trigger in a slow economy . The good news : there ' s still time to expand our understanding and execution of ROI before the end of the year . Companies that can demonstrate ROI will have a highe r chance of closing deals and retaining customers .

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