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© 2023 Go To Market Partners , LLC . All rights reserved . Page 3 User loves your product but can ' t quantify ROI to their boss VENDOR ROI - ASSESSMENT Yes / No Vendors GTM teams are not aligned on how users should quantify ROI ROI is hard to quantify consistently across customers Yes / No Yes / No Proving ROI requires too much heavy lifting to be realistic Yes / No When most people talk about ROI , the most common definition is net income divided by the total cost of the investment times 100 . If you spend $ 10 , 000 on something and it generates $ 123 , 000 in net new revenue , the ROI is 1230 % . This narrow definition is limiting for companies tha t are either one part of a complex solution or who struggle to show directly attributable ROI . Or what about a company that is completely transforming the way their customers do business , but the y can ’ t prove it unless the entire company goes through an effective change management cycle ? Wha t about a company that increases employee satisfaction or ease of use , famously hard metrics to quantify to dollars ? Does it mean that your solution doesn ’ t have value if you can ’ t unequivocally prove you ’ re making or saving more than you cost ? We think not . Do You Have an ROI Problem? User is skeptical of vendors claims of ROI Yes / No Quantified ROI is not compelling enough to retain customers Yes / No ROI quantification is not part of the sales process Yes / No GTM teams are not enabled on how to quantify ROI Yes / No Buyers and users are not taught how to quantify the ROI Yes / No Source : GTM Partners ' ROI Framework © GTM Partners , All Rights Reserved gtmpartners . com The Old ROI Framework

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