© 2023 Go To Market Partners , LLC . All rights reserved . Page 2 There are many different ways you can bring your products and services to the market . Our research has identified seven core approaches , which we call Go - to - Market ( GTM ) Motions . Each of these approaches requires its own strategy and investment to ensure efficient growth . Most companies are leveraging more than one type at a time . As companies scale they will even have multiple instances of a GTM motion . For example . How you run an outbound motion for a high velocity small business G o - t o - M a r k e t M o t i o n s Inbound - Led Outbound - Led Product - Led Channel - Led Event - Led Community - Led Ecosystem - Led segment will likely be very different then how you run an outbound motion for an enterprise segment . Why ? Because the skills required of the team , the products , messaging , buyer persona , and sales process could be vastly different necessitating unique investment and strategy respectively . For this reason we created a framework to help you determine when it ' s possible to give the existing team an additional GTM motion to run and when it will require additional investment ( budget , teams , process , plays ) . The GTM Motion ( s ) that are best for you depend on many factors , including your Total Relevant Market ( TRM ) and Ideal Customer Profile ( ICP ) , the product or service you ' re selling , your financial resources and capabilities , competitive and macroeconomic conditions , and many other variables . Remember the goal behind selecting GTM motion ( s ) is to find your optimal path ( s ) to revenue . The only limitation on the number of GTM Motions is your own resources and ability to execute well against the needs of your market .

The 7 Go-to-Market Motions by GTM Partners - Page 2 The 7 Go-to-Market Motions by GTM Partners Page 1 Page 3