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USE CASE WHEN TO PRIORITIZE TECH FOR YOUR GTM MOTION Accelerate the buyers journey Surfacing relevant content with immersive experiences that are optimized for engagement is critical to keep the attention of prospects allowing them to self- nurture and move to sales ready stage faster. Scale ABM programs If you're struggling to execute an ABM program or seeing poor results, use a Content Experience Platform to quickly deploy 1:1 and 1:Many content experiences at scale leading to increased engagement and closed-won deals in target accounts. Digital Sales Rooms If you're looking to improve seller performance and close rates, Digital Sales Rooms empower reps to create a central space to share content relevant to the buying team increasing engagement and accelerating the sales cycle. 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 C o n t e n t E x p e r i e n c e P l a t f o r m D i g i t a l S a l e s R o o m s A c c o u n t - B a s e d A n a l y t i c s In reviewing feedback from hundreds of users, we have determined that Uberflip's primary value propositions are widely experienced by their customers. • • • • Alerts sales reps in the moment a key prospect engages Enables sales to create digital sales rooms for each deal Shows what content is performing best across marketing and sales Seamlessly integrates with the Go-to-Market tech stack Customer Use Cases & Value Definition These are the top use cases cited by Uberflip Customers Customers tell us that Uberflip : A Go-to-Market Perspective: Uberflip | May 2023 A c c o u n t - B a s e d , W e b , a n d C o n t e n t E x p e r i e n c e s • No code drag & drop puts the power in GTM teams vs dev teams • Scales personalization, ABM and 1:1 content experiences • Engages buyers across the lifecycle • Helps BDRs & AE's enable buyers faster

Uberflip | ROI Study by GTM Partners - Page 3 Uberflip | ROI Study by GTM Partners Page 2 Page 4