The ROI Framework : Proving Your Value © 2023 Go To Market Partners , LLC . All rights reserved . Page 5 The Winning Zone : Companies that can show Attributable and Transformative ROI are at an almost insurmountable advantage . Since they are either transforming how customers do business or they can prove directly attributable ROI , the y ' re not getting cut . Companies in the winning zone can out - maneuver competitors through big strategic moves and investments . The Competition Zone : Vendors in the Efficiency and Necessity zones can be very successful and may even be category leaders . However , the y ’ re constantly defending against other players who can easily force competition on features , ease of use , price , and efficiency gains . The Instability Zone : Vendors who can only show Indirect ROI are in wha t we call the muddy middle , where retention gets hammered . In a down economy , CFOs will not approve new or renewed tech that can ’ t show ROI . Companies showing Indirect ROI get lumped with dozens of other providers as one of many contributors to some final outcome . Y o u r g o a l i s t o m o v e u p t h e s l o p e , f r o m t h e m u d d y m i d d l e t h r o u g h t h e C o m p e t i t i o n Z o n e , a n d h o p e f u l l y e v e n t u a l l y t o t h e W i n n i n g Z o n e . Intrinsic ROI : You provide inherent value without need for quantitative measurement . You ' re valuable because you are taking action or moving in the right direction . Extrinsic ROI : Valuable to the degree it creates measurable outcomes where the results speak for themselves . The Muddy Middle Intrinsic ROI Extrinsic ROI Win / Retention Rate Winning Zone ( Offense ) Competition Zone ( Defense ) ( Preservation ) Instability Zone Attributable Transformational Necessity Efficiency Indirect Source : GTM Partners ' ROI Framework © GTM Partners , All Rights Reserved gtmpartners . com

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