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© 2023 Go To Market Partners , LLC . All rights reserved . Page 10 With the understanding that events are a great way to spark community around a brand , Airmeet started with Event - led and Community GTM motions . The strong thought leadership , content , and experiences that emerged naturally drove a strong Inbound motion . Over time , the company has added an Outbound motion , but always focused through the lens of events , which is their bread and butter . Airmeet has learned through data that if they can use Outbound to get target accounts to multiple events , the y are much more likely to sign . Airmeet has also experimented with PLG , but eventually evolved their touchless PLG motion into a sales - assisted version that allows companies to start for free while still getting a taste of coaching and the assurance of a successful event . Vidyard is a video messaging platform with a strong PLG mindset . The company drives a free - to - paid pipeline by offering a robust free product , with opportunities to add new features through paid upgrades . In addition to using strategic PLG , Outbound , Inbound , and Channe l motions , Vidyard recognized the power of Community early on . Vidyard built a massive following of sales reps who depend on the daily “ sellertainment ” and best practices delivered through its direct marketing channels and Sales Feed media network . They also leverage Events like Fast Forward , a series of webinars and virtual summits featuring thought leaders and industry experts to equip the ir audience with the tools to be successful in their roles . With an incredibly strong Outbound motion in the enterprise segment , Demandbase had leveraged PLG by adding new product offerings ( including sales intelligence and data ) and self - service tools that allow a buyer to experience Demandbase ahead of purchasing . Demandbase has also instituted a double - funnel , built a strong Community , and are scaling their Event - led growth motion to ensure they always meet the buyer where the y are .

The 7 Go-to-Market Motions by GTM Partners - Page 10 The 7 Go-to-Market Motions by GTM Partners Page 9 Page 11